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Chihuahua y sus alrededores

Former mining and livestock center converted into an industrial and commercial center. Capital of the Great State with colonial architectural vestiges in the historic center.

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Chihuahua and its surroundings

Region Map

Select the place you want to visit on the map and marvel at its tourist attractions.

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Placeswhat to visit


Some of History

Chihuahua Capital was founded in 1709 at the confluence of the Chuvíscar and Sacramento rivers. The mines of nearby Santa Eulalia gave birth to the Capital.



Food: Roast meat

In the capital we do not miss the opportunity to celebrate next to a grill, we light the mesquite charcoal and roast the delicious beef, sausages, potatoes, chilis, onions and tomatoes.

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Heritage cultural

Capital city conveniently located in the center of the enormous territory that we know as Chihuahua, home of cultures such as the cowboy, Rarámuri, and urban culture. It can be admired in the museums Casa Chihuahua Cultural Center, in the Quinta Gameros University Cultural Center, Casa Redonda Contemporary Art, in the Casa de Villa, in Casa de Juárez in the Government Palace and in the magnificent Metropolitan Cathedral.

La Quinta Gameros


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