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The Metropolitan Cathedral


Chihuahua Capital

Fundada en 1709 por Don Antonio de Deza y Ulloa, la Villa de San Felipe el Real se encuentra en la confluencia de los ríos Chuvíscar y Sacramento. La construcción de la Catedral, iniciada en 1723, tardó más de un siglo en completarse.


La ciudad, resguardada por cerros y sierras, te invita a descubrir sus sorpresas.

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Chihuahua and its surroundings

Region Map

Select the place you want to visit on the map and marvel at its tourist attractions.

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Placeswhat to visit


Some of History

Foundation of what is now the city of Chihuahua, which was originally called San Francisco de Cuéllar and later San Felipe El Real de Chihuahua, from this fact the spatial axis of this territory the mining district of Parral to the south, the mission of Casas Grandes and the presidio of Janos to the north "moved" towards the east with the forced passage through Chihuahua.




The capital of Chihuahua receives various ingredients from all over the state to highlight the desert cuisine, such as dried meat, dehydrated chili sauces, sausages, Mennonite and ranchero cheeses, as well as the famous beef that is served in many restaurants. Families take advantage of the occasion to gather around grills or discos, celebrating events with roast meat and discada.

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Heritage Natural

City founded at the confluence of the Sacramento and Chuvíscar rivers. It is contained to the south by two enormous hills, the Grande and the Coronel. City where the four seasons of the year are beautifully appreciated. Its climate is extreme, to which even the Castilla roses have adapted, which grow fabulously. Its natural flora is; mesquite, palo verde, oak and huizache.

Big Hill


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