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St. Joseph Parish

Hidalgo del Parral

Hidalgo del Parral is a Magical Town

This small city with a deep mining tradition was the Capital of Nueva Vizcaya for its great
contribution to the coffers of the Spanish Crown. Furthermore, due to his enormous wealth he received the title
“Silver Capital of the World” since one of its mines produced high-grade minerals for
more than 300 years. Parral also gained fame for being a city much loved by the General
Francisco Villa who on one occasion expressed that “he liked Parral “to die for.”



Placeswhat to visit

Villa Route

Region Map

Select the place you want to visit on the map and marvel at its tourist attractions.


Some of History

Mining farm that traces its history back to colonial times. In 1631 rich veins were discovered
silver. The La Negrita mine brought fame to the area and miners came from various latitudes. In 1666
La Palmilla was discovered, which Pedro Alvarado inherited from his father in 1899. Parral became
a prosperous town with magnificent buildings. During the Mexican Revolution, it was
strategic point for the powerful Northern Division commanded by General Francisco



Food: A tribute to its mining heritage

The cuisine of this mineral is of very traditional heritage, the farms that were founded for the raising of large and small livestock and for the planting of forage and cereals grew considerably. The simple meat-based stews, the humble enchiladas and tacos, have evolved into signature dishes, the bread and honey drop sweets have earned national awards.

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Heritage cultural

Parral has a large protected area of monuments in the historic center. The churches of San José, Nuestra Señora del Rayo, San Nicolás and San Juan de Dios stand out from the colonial period. According to INAH data, in Parral there are 492 registered properties. Another great cultural treasure is the historical archive, which the Parralenses have jealously guarded.

St. Joseph Parish

Hidalgo del Parral

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